LE Support Staff

Christopher Alexander
Administrative Manager

Christopher runs the LE office, supporting the management team,
coaches and clients with strong commitment to customer service, and breadth of skills ranging from office management to technology support.

Dana Brenner-Kelley, M.S.  Portland
CEO & Managing Principal


As owner and manager of Leading Effect LLC, Dana is your first point of contact –working to understand your needs, source them effectively, and coordinate service delivery on behalf of the group.

Having designed and managed a robust internal Executive Coaching Program for one of the largest financial institutions in the country, Dana started Leading Effect in 2005 to provide an approach to coaching and consulting that serves both an organization's individual leaders AND the organization, with strategy, discipline and a systemic framework to deliver the maximum value that is both possible and POWERFUL.

Dana's strengths include communication and emotional intelligence competency development, strategic development of teams, organizational initiative design, group facilitation, and re-engineering organizational cultures to function in greater alignment with business strategies. Her coaching work is guided by her belief that effective leadership is an intentional practice and her work with leaders is tightly tied to their organizational objectives, personal values, and professional goals.
View Ms. Brenner-Kelley's complete profile (PDF)