When Management Practice is working well…
the organization’s people are getting the work done, and the work is aligned with organizational goals and objectives.

How you recognize it:
execution is efficient; people know what is expected, why it is important, how success is measured, how they measure up to the benchmark, and what it will take to get there if they don't.

Common Management Challenges in Organizations:
• Solid individual contributors in Management roles who don’t know how to manage people, processes, and projects.
• Skill and knowledge deficits around the effective management and measurement of performance.
• Mis-aligned management priorities.
• Inconsistent and non-standardized management practices.

How we help you meet the challenges:
Because each of the above challenges requires a different solution or set of solutions-

1) Our first step is to work with you to identify just what you need, what your organization is ready for, how it should be delivered, and how you can measure it’s effectiveness.

2) We then get right to the solutions.
Service solutions might include: process and practice-focused consulting, facilitation of management skill training workshops, gap analysis and systems assessment, coaching, or strategic planning support to strengthen organizational capacity to drive results through the management of people and processes.

3) We offer a number of “off-the-shelf” management development workshops for targeted audiences and roles (new to management, managing with influence but no direct authority, and planning and managing projects or programs). Contact us for more information.